Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Veronica had her latest doctor's appointment on Monday. Here's a rundown on her measurements:

Her head measures in the 65th percentile.
Her length is 25.25 inches, in the 75th percentile.
Her weight is 13 lbs. 6 oz., in the 50th percentile.

And she's been a little under the weather, sleeping pretty much all day yesterday and all through last night, horribly loud thunderstorm be damned. (Although she DID manage to turn a 180 in her crib.)

At any rate, she's getting big. And she's considerably larger than this date last year, as it was exactly one year ago this evening when I took a home pregnancy test and, for the first time, got two lines instead of one. Amazing how many memories you can associate with such things, as I can also say that a year ago this evening, Jason was calling his friend Bobby to see if he'd like to hang out that night as I slipped into the master bath to take the test. I can tell you that a year ago tonight, Jason and I purchased four more home pregnancy tests in a late-evening shopping trip to Meijer. And I could go on and on about all the emotions I was feeling at all these times. They're feelings I'll never forget, and how could I, when it all resulted in my beautiful little girl.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Damn, I should update this thing more often. But where to find the time? With Coby's wedding a week and a half away, as well as the usual daily drudge, I'm staying very busy.

Veronica is doing well. She fed herself with her bottle for the first time today; while she's held her own bottle before, it's the first time we've been able to set her down while she chows down. (Jason set her on a blanket on the bedroom floor while he ran into the laundry room for something this morning; when he got back, she was still hold her bottle, looking around and eating at the same time.)

She's a really easygoing kid. We're not too sure how that happened, with Jason and me being her parents and all. She IS a bit impatient if you take her bottle away, but that seems to be the only bit of our high-strung personalities that she inherited. We don't get it, but we also know the saying about the gift horse. :-)

I had other stuff to write, too, but let's face it, I should be working on my little speech for Coby's reception. Or e-mailing the other women organizing the shower, seeing what else is needed. Plus not all of it is stuff relating to the baby; some if it is stuff I'd have to start posting on my old blog. But hell, if I can't even keep up with ONE blog, what makes me think that TWO would be a good idea? :-P

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Wow, are we weird. Either we are, or it's just the baby, but I'm thinking it's all three of us.

Things that enthrall our child at the moment:

1.) Having her daddy tickle her ear with her own foot. Man, are babies flexible. This usually gets at least a giggle, but only on the left side.

2.) Having Mommy talk to her like Arnold Schwartznegger while she's on her dressing table: "Hi, I'm Ah-nuld, I'm going to cha-ange your dye-peh now." This at least gets her attention, and sometimes gets a big ole' grin as well.

3.) Having Mommy recite the alphabet to her while signing it in ASL at the same time. This doesn't amuse her and make her grin, but her attention is riveted to an extent you normally don't see on 3.5 month-old babies. I'm hoping to learn a few more signs, based on an article I read that children as young as 6 months old are now learning ASL to help them communicate; I'm not talking about every single word and sign, but maybe just a few so she can let us know what she needs a little easier. (Probably not going to happen - but man, does she like watching me do the alphabet now....)

4.) Having Mommy sing to her, but Mommy doesn't know the words to many lullabies - and she doesn't really like the ones she DOES know. (Example? The words to "Rock-a-Bye Baby" are SCARY, how the hell is THAT supposed to put her to sleep?) So Mommy sings alterna-rock. "Birdhouse in Your Soul" by They Might Be Giants, "Stand" by REM, and the current favorite is "Punk Rock Girl" by the Dead Milkmen. Daddy sings her "Mexico" by Cake, one of the only songs he knows the words to other than raunchy Bloodhound Gang songs. (Mommy already vetoed that idea.) Actually, "Mexico" is her favorite by far. She actually calms down when she hears it.

Like I said, don't know if it's just her or all of us. I think it's just me and Jason who are a little odd, and it's rubbing off on little Veronica. Poor kid.

Saturday, August 02, 2003

We took Veronica in for her first studio portrait today, at Sears.


*rubs temples*

OK, normally, we have one of the most pleasant, smiley babies ever. Our kid loves to grin. And if she won't smile at us, she's smiling at any stranger who gives her a friendly look.

Except for today.

Today, she was crying and fussing off n' on all day, for no apparent reason. She would not smile for the camera. She would not smile for me. She would not smile for Jason. She would not smile for strangers, in this case, the two Sears Portrait Studio employees on duty today. The best we got was her looking pensive (as usual), and not pissed. At least she was wearing an adorable little dress with a matching hat, and she does look lovely in the final pose. She just doesn't look gleeful, with that big gummy baby grin like all the model portraits in the waiting room.

I still can't wait to get them, though - they won't be ready until Aug. 18. It's her first professional portrait (second, if you count the "first photo" from the hospital), so I'm big-time excited.

After today, though - driving two hours round-trip to pick up my gown for Coby's wedding, then the portrait studio experience, followed by picking up the shoes for said wedding and an evening walk - I'm pooped. Short, abrupt ending to the post. Sorry about that.