Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Damn, I should update this thing more often. But where to find the time? With Coby's wedding a week and a half away, as well as the usual daily drudge, I'm staying very busy.

Veronica is doing well. She fed herself with her bottle for the first time today; while she's held her own bottle before, it's the first time we've been able to set her down while she chows down. (Jason set her on a blanket on the bedroom floor while he ran into the laundry room for something this morning; when he got back, she was still hold her bottle, looking around and eating at the same time.)

She's a really easygoing kid. We're not too sure how that happened, with Jason and me being her parents and all. She IS a bit impatient if you take her bottle away, but that seems to be the only bit of our high-strung personalities that she inherited. We don't get it, but we also know the saying about the gift horse. :-)

I had other stuff to write, too, but let's face it, I should be working on my little speech for Coby's reception. Or e-mailing the other women organizing the shower, seeing what else is needed. Plus not all of it is stuff relating to the baby; some if it is stuff I'd have to start posting on my old blog. But hell, if I can't even keep up with ONE blog, what makes me think that TWO would be a good idea? :-P


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