Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Happy Father's Day!

Jason got a card from me and one from Veronica, but his gift was a bit different: I had arranged with Debbie, the babysitter, to watch Veronica today while we did anything Jason wanted to do. We ate at the T.G.I. Fridays near Polaris. We went to Byerly's so Jason could check out the aquariums and buy some fish for his tanks. We saw "The Chronicles of Riddick", which he loved (I thought it was OK) and had some ice cream at Graeter's. The sun was shining, the temperatures were in the 70's, and it was overall a wonderful day for such a wonderful daddy and husband.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Sorry it's been a while. Been busy. A lot going on. But here's the latest:

Veronica's therapy appointment was today. Yes, it was supposed to be June 4 but there was a scheduling snafu that I don't even want to get into anymore.

The lowdown is, she's fine. We're going to have to call the insurance company to see if further visits are covered. She seems
to be all right, but she's what they call "low-tone." It's like this: Children with cerebal palsy have such strong muscle tone that they're spastic all the time. They're the extreme end of "high-tone." Veronica's on the opposite end of that spectrum. It's why she's so flexible, too.

Some of it is that we haven't tried to get her to crawl, being that she scooted everywhere; all the wisdom I'd read said that some babies anymore do not crawl, that they scoot or roll or whatever, and THEN move directly onto standing and walking. But the therapist said it's not our fault, it's just the way she is. And we're actually lucky, being that a lot of low-tone babies are very demanding; as they're too weak to actually get anything themselves, they cry until someone brings them what they want. Veronica is so easy-going that she'll just give up on getting a certain toy or object, and will move onto something else. Plus the scooting has created a way for her to get around her problems
and still be mobile. I think it's kind of ingenious, myself, given the situation, but of course I'm her mother, I'm going to think that. ;-)

I know it's not my fault, but I can't help thinking that I didn't force her enough, that I didn't do enough. I even wonder if I ate too poorly during my pregnancy, or didn't feed her the right foods, or made some other mistake then to make her this way. Of course, I have to stop thinking those sort of things if I'm going to be any help to her. The cause isn't a concern now. The treatment is.

So now we start exercising with her at home, and buy a therapy ball and these things called Hip Helpers. So far I think she's already showing improvement, although it's too soon to say. I just want my little girl to be able to do the things other little girls her age can do, and I so desperately want her to reach that goal.