Sometimes Veronica has a slightly different take on life than the rest of us. Case in point:
A stray tomcat has been hanging about our door, and we've fed him once. He's quite friendly and Veronica is absolutely beside herself when he arrives. So yesterday morning, I ask her what she'd like to name the kitty. And she said:
"I wanna call him Person, 'cas he doesn't know what he is!" And then giggled at the hilarity of such a thought.
Let that one roll around your head for a few minutes...pretty complex, isn't it? She did acknowledge a few minutes later that calling him Person "could be complicated." Like I said, a slightly different take on things than the rest of us, for sure. She wouldn't be my Veronica if she didn't.
A stray tomcat has been hanging about our door, and we've fed him once. He's quite friendly and Veronica is absolutely beside herself when he arrives. So yesterday morning, I ask her what she'd like to name the kitty. And she said:
"I wanna call him Person, 'cas he doesn't know what he is!" And then giggled at the hilarity of such a thought.
Let that one roll around your head for a few minutes...pretty complex, isn't it? She did acknowledge a few minutes later that calling him Person "could be complicated." Like I said, a slightly different take on things than the rest of us, for sure. She wouldn't be my Veronica if she didn't.