Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

Dammit! There's a Farscape marathon on Sci-Fi. How the frell am I supposed to get anything done today? :-)

Not like I'm going to be wandering out much, anyway. Not only was I in a wreck last month, but Jason and I have almost been hit about a dozen times since, either head-on or at full speed by people running red lights and stop signs or overall cutting us off. It's ridiculous, and I know that there will be many more idiots on the road today, with their heads completely up their asses as they try to get that ONE LAST GIFT for under the tree.

Frankly, Jason and I aren't sure if there have been that many more near-misses, or that we've noticed them more since we have so much more to lose now. I mean, Jason and I can survive a lot from a wreck, but the little one pound person inside me right now is far, far more delicate. (Even though he's kicking like a little karate master!)

So far, so good with the holidays. We did gift exchanges and present deliveries to Jason's family in Marietta on Saturday, and we had a wonderful time. Jason was thrilled when he received a 100 million-year old fossil of a mantis shrimp from his Aunt Emily - it was at one of those fossil/geode stores at a mall here, and the only one we'd ever seen, as mantis shrimp tend to break apart quite easily after death. (We know, we've had a couple in his aquariums.) I wanted to buy it for him, but the price tag was too high for me; fortunately, it was not for Aunt Emily. She also got us other presents, my favorite being a Diaper Genie and all sorts of little baby necessities - sleepers, diapers, wipes, lotions, baby powder, and an ear thermometer. All in all, though, it was just very nice to visit with Jason's family - and the fact that they all liked the Christmas gifts we got them didn't hurt, either.

We've received nice Christmas bonuses from both of our jobs. We have yummy Christmas treats, either bought or baked by others. We have a decent little stack of packages under the tree, nice considering how much we've cut back this year. And yesterday we received the final payment for my totalled car - a check for a grand. Merry Christmas to us!

Which leads me back to having to get out of the house - I need to go deposit that check before the bank closes at 2 p.m. But I haven't even showered yet (yay sleeping in!), and I'm really digging this episode of Farscape (even though I've seen it before), which makes my motivation levels really low. Maybe after a brownie and a glass of milk.....

To anyone who might be reading this: Merry Christmas! From Maranie, Jason, and Kiddo. :-)


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