Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Of course, Veronica's vocabulary is growing. But every now and again, you get some bizarre little words and phrases that pop up.

The one that came up tonight was Veronica telling me "you a silly woman!" What? Yeah, the whole "you silly!" has come up several times, but where the hell did she learn to call me "woman"? Cute, accurate, and disconcerting all at the same time.

The other is her use of the word "tiny." As in, handing me a cup of milk and saying "I no like dat. It too tiny." Or saying the same thing when putting away a toy car, only to immediately pick up an even smaller car and play with it. It seems to have nothing to do with size. Whatever she DOES think "tiny" means, though, is a mystery. It seems to change every time. We've discerned the following Veronica definitions of "tiny":


And she's using the first definition less and less.

I know kids her age are supposed to play with language, but I didn't know that words would change meanings entirely. Huh.


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