Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

It's late but I wanted to take note of Veronica's temper. When she approves of something, she's pretty nonchalant about it. But when she disapproves, she's downright vehement.

Let's say she's playing with her Fisher Price Little People - which she calls her "peoples" - and you tell her it's time for bed. This is something you might hear:


I no want to!

Not 'til waiter!

Not yet!

I pway peoples!

Leave my 'wone!

I no so happy you!"

And so on, and so forth. (Although Jason may break in and say "It's 'leave ME alone', Veronica. If you're going to tell us off, do it right.")

It gets frustrating, because lemme tell ya, she means it. Kicking, screaming, and the like will follow if you try to force the issue - although persuasion and persistence usually pays off the best. But what's really bad is how her little lower jaw sticks out, or she starts pouting, or her lips scrunch up like a pissed-off Donald Trump. She's ready for war, but I'm about to pee myself laughing. And that's what makes the frustration so tolerable. Sure, it's a fight to get anything done, but she's just so darn cute that you really don't care.

(Well, at least you don't care LATER.)



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