Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Veronica's current favorite movie is Chicken Little, which didn't get very good reviews but I actually like it. It has a good story and the voice casting was excellent; the animation could've been better, but I've been spoiled by Pixar.

She's learned two things as a result of this film that just melt my heart (too long to explain if you haven't seen the film, just go rent it if you want to figure it out!)

1. She can sing "Don't Go Breaking My Heart."

Which is adorable, because it's in her little squeaky voice and the only words she knows are:

Don't go break my heart
Couldin if I try
Wooo wooo
I down
I was de clown

But man, does she belt those bits out. :-)

2. After her first of several viewings, she has added "Oh, snap!" to her lexicon. And lemme tell ya, I don't think there's anything much cuter out there than your not-quite-3-year-old daughter emphasizing a point, in her little baby voice, with "Doh, NAP!" The first time she said it, Jason and I laughed so hard that I'm surprised the car didn't veer off the road. Especially since she realized she had made a funny and just kept repeating it over and over while giggling. Too funny.

Not related to Chicken Little at all, but still amusing, is how she's now playing with her fingers as if they're dolls. Her thumb is Audri, the index is Mommy, the pinkie is baby (naturally), and sometimes she switches them around so one of them is "Eye-Cra" (which is still what she calls herself, even though we know for a fact she can say "Ver-ron-eee-ca.") It's cute, but I'm halfway expecting her to start bending her index finger only and muttering "Red rum, red rum!" Which would be disconcerting, to say the least.

And she's trying the potty some more, successfuly peeing in it a couple nights ago and trying for a poop last night. Here's hoping the trend continues, because up until recently, I don't think she's quite understood the point. At the very least, I think Jason's little chat last night helped, as he pointed out that she's the only one in the house in diapers. "Even Janus uses a potty," he said, and uncovered the litter box so Veronica could get a good look. This impressed her greatly. Which means she'll either start using the potty or we're going to catch her squatting over the litter box one day. (sigh) Why do I fear both will be the correct answer?


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