Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Well, we had a couple strange phrases spoken in Chez Warren today, and both of them involved bodily functions. Wheeee...

First off, we're upping the potty ante, as Veronica's beloved friend Audri got moved up to the next preschool class today, because (1) she is three and (2) she is potty-trained. Veronica is now quite anxious to become a "Polar Bear" so we had some potty time this evening.

However, Veronica was quite perturbed that the little plastic plush seat got a bit wrinkled once she sat on it. I smoothed it out. Then she didn't want to sit there again, leading me to have to assure her:

"You're not going to hurt the potty if you sit on it."

Cue loud laughter from Jason in the living room.

The second lovely little phrase came from Veronica herself. It's a bit embarrassing for me to admit this, but we were playing in her room and I farted. And it was nasty. (Hey, like I'm something special here - it happens to all of us!) I apologized to Veronica for the bad smell. "Do you smell that? I'm sorry," I said. To which she responded:

sniff, sniff
"I have fart in my nose!"

Cue more laughter from Jason in the living room. And frankly, I'm still laughing over that.

I can't even begin to describe her re-enactment of Swiper the Fox from Dora stealing things with her toys - but I'll try anyway. She couldn't find either of her Swiper figures, so she took a large plastic toy cake and pretended he was hiding underneath of it. So the cake would accost other toys and pretend to take their shoes, throw them (which you knew because Veronica actually said "Throw!"), and say "You're too wate! You never find shoes now!" And if you've seen the cartoon, you'll see how funny this was. Jason about died.

She's now playing with balls and blocks with Jason, running around wearing her Dora big girl underpants (so far, a couple hours and no accidents. She's so stubborn, we're trying anything at this point.) We're having a good evening. And a rather comical one, as well. :-)


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