Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Today we went to the art museum. Veronica seemed to very much enjoy it, although Jason was pretty bummed to see only one Warhol in the current exhibit. Veronica's favorite artwork by far was a statue by Rodin called The Age of Bronze; as it was on a pedestal, Jason picked her up to look at it and she wouldn't let him walk away without a fuss. She was enthralled (although it being a nude, she did point out to Jason "dere his butt!") She was equally enthralled, however, with the gravel in the scuplture garden, picking it up and letting it fall through her fingers. Toddlers, who knows what will catch their eye?

(There was another thing that cracked us up. In the "Monet to Matisse" exhibit, there was a sketch of a dog that was pretty avant-garde. Veronica insisted it was a cow with more conviction than I've ever heard from her before. It DOES look more like a cow, I wish I would've gotten the name of the piece and the artist so I could've linked to it as well. I think I was laughing too hard to catch it.)

Well, time to give my kid a bath and hope she goes to bed sometime tonight. :-P And I have two job interviews tomorrow. Wish me luck.


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