Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Some disappointing news this week:

Debbie, Veronica's babysitter, is moving to Arizona at the end of summer. Maybe sooner, if she sells her house quickly.

Now, of course this is a pain because we'll have to find new childcare arrangements for Veronica. As I still don't have a permanent position yet, it's even more difficult to know WHERE to place said childcare. But frankly, I'm disappointed because Debbie is so good to Veronica, and so fond of her. And Veronica just loves her too, and loves going to her house. Debbie has been a part of Veronica's routinue, almost every day, since she was only 10 weeks old. Debbie did everything she could to help her when she couldn't walk. She trimmed her nails, gave her the occasional bath, watched her overnight and would even get her dressed in the mornings if we dropped her off in her jammies. Debbie taught her songs and words and ASL. My child's manners, a large part of her vocabulary, the things she does for fun - a lot of these came from Debbie's house, not ours. And now Debbie's going to be gone.

Debbie says that I don't have a permanent job, Tucson is the place to be, why don't we just move out there too? I'd say she was kidding if she hadn't brought it up on more than one occasion. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't contemplate it, at least for a few minutes, although we're too damn broke right now to go ANYWHERE.

Whatever happens, though, Debbie is leaving in August, and a large part of Veronica's childhood thus far will be gone. One of the people who has cared for and loved my little girl better than anyone else, Veronica's "local grandma" as she once called herself, will be on the other side of the country. And we can't help but be sad about this development.


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