Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

The surprises just keep on comin'.

Tonight Jason just decided to give Veronica some education in music. He took her to the piano and let her bang around on the keys for a few minutes, while we did the same. She was not impressed, preferring to look at the display of photos on top of the piano. (And our Bruce Campbell bobblehead doll - she ended up playing with that for a minute. That was funny....)

Then Jason suggested I play my drums for her. Seeing as she really didn't like the piano, I didn't see a point to it but figured it was a good excuse to sit behind the kit again. I mostly used the brushes instead of the sticks so I wouldn't play too loudly and hurt her little ears.

She loved it.

I did a very sub-par drum roll on the snare, using the brushes, and she smiled really big and just laughed like you would not believe. She giggled a bit when I played a simple rock beat with some fills. And even when she wasn't smiling or laughing, she was enthralled. We were psyched. We couldn't believe how much she loved it.

Every day it seems to be something new. It's the best. :)


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