Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Friday, March 16, 2007

The other night Veronica was being quite silly while we were reading a Dora book before bedtime. When asked where something or someone was on the page, she would point to ANYTHING that was NOT what was requested. And grinned in an ornery fashion. Hence, I said "Veronica, you're so ornery!"

And she replied, "Yeah, I just don't know what they're gonna do with me."

I had a hard time finishing the story after that.

In the past month she has acquired two skills that are amazing me. First off, she can almost spell and write her name. She gets up to "VERO" and then gets the rest of the letters mixed up. "N", "C", and "A" are giving her problems still yet, but wow, she's not even 4 years old yet! And secondly, she can operate both a computer mouse and a track ball. She doesn't need me to help her with Microsoft Paint or any online Dora or Diego games, past actually popping up said programs for her.

She's getting her numbers down too, mostly by sound rather than sight. She can usually hold up the correct amount of fingers up to five, though, to drive the point home of exactly which number she's referring to. ;-) She can count verbally pretty well, but she gets ten and eleven mixed up sometimes. She can count to seven in Spanish even better.

She's not eating well, which is a point of concern for both me and Jason. We are working on it, but it's hard sometimes to get her to eat anything - even junk food at times.

She's recovering from strep throat, after a trip to the ER at 3 in the morning after she spiked a 102 degree temperature at Jason's apartment that just wouldn't go down. They did blood work and had to use a catheter too, when she failed to provide a urine sample ("I don't HAVE to pee!"), and that was traumatic for all involved. As she had no real other symptoms, though, the staff was puzzled - and worried - as to what exactly was causing her fever and lethargy. It's awful when your kid is sick. :-(

That's about it for now, but she always keeps us amused and happy, and is a continual joy, good moments and bad. :-)


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