Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Veronica just walked up to me and said, appropo of nothing, "Pita thought I was a kitty cat."

"Really?" I said with a grin. "Why do you think that?"

"'Cas she licked me an''....I was de mommy."

"Oh, so she thought you were the mommy kitty cat?"

"Yeah," Veronica said, and added rather vehemently, "I'm not the mommy! I'm not a kitty cat, I human!"

I'm about to bust out laughing at this point, and she continued,

"She think I a kitty cat 'cas...'cas friends."

"Oh, she thought you were her mommy kitty cat because she was your friend?"

"Yeah. She my friend."

This was the cutest thing...and her pediatrician had poo-pooed my notion that Veronica would ever miss Pita, saying "she'll forget the cat in a week or two." Pita died September 2005. Yet another reason I say "FORMER" pediatrician.


  • At 6:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I can explain the whole cat thing.
    I tried to explain to Veronica that animals aren't nice or mean. Or good or bad. I told her that they are either wild or tame. I also tried to tell her that PITA wasn't really nice. PITA thought Veronica was a related cat and treated her as such. I then went on to explain that Janus wasn't mean. He was wild and thought Veronica was either food or dangerous and that is why he bit her but PITA licked her.


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