Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Thank god for Bambi.

Mom played the DVD for Veronica last week. Now, she'd never found it very interesting before, but apparently she changed her mind. Maybe Mom suggested it, and trust me, my mom can be very persuasive to the toddler set. Don't ask me how she does it.

Now Veronica's watched Bambi about a dozen times at least. Her favorite character is Thumper. She calls one of her toy rabbits "Thumper" now and stomps her foot on the floor when you ask her what Thumper does. But the best thing about her Thumper admiration is her memorization of what Thumper's mother reminds him about eating. Thumper says, "Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet." Although he's obviously reluctant to go along with this, Veronica has adopted the phrase, walking around muttering "Eating grees a speh-shull tweet...Long ears, big big feet." So tonight I said "Do you want to eat some greens like Thumper?" and got her to eat quite a few green beans that way.

Bambi got my daugher to eat vegetables! And it's so much better than Cinderella (Disney princesses back in the day - bleh. Jason pointed out that Cinderella's a bit batty in the movie - talking to mice and making them clothes, singing to birds, good lord. He actually said "Cinderella's gone Bursar" but if you haven't read Terry Pratchett's Discworld series you won't get the reference. If you have, it's all the funnier.) So in summation, here's to Walt Disney animators for getting my kid to do something everyone else, for the most part, has failed at for quite some time.


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