Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

OK, so the name of the blog is "Maranie = Mommy," not "Maranie = Chickie With a Sleep Disorder." Yet here I am, again, up in the middle of the night. Jason and I hit the sack around 11:30, and while he seemed to have no problems getting to sleep, I haven't gotten one wink of the stuff. It's not like I'm wide-awake, either. I'm that type of groggy that you get in the middle of the afternoon at work, after a large lunch, that you try to make go away with a Mountain Dew. I'm the kind of awake you are in college, the night before a final, when you're taking Sudafed to wake up instead of for any sinus problems. In summation, I feel like crap.

The fatigue is making me cranky with Jason and Veronica, and it's getting me depressed as well. I went in for the sleep study because I slept too much; now the cure is making me sleep too little. I know it will take some time to get used to sleeping with the CPAP on, but dammit, I can't even get to sleep now with it OFF. I'm convinced that I am doomed, that it's hopeless, that I shall forever be in this fatigued haze. Thank god I've got an appointment with the sleep center on Friday, hopefully this can get resolved soon. I don't know how much more I can take.


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