Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Got a letter in the mail yesterday from the sleep center. I officially have sleep apnea. I'm actually relieved, because now that I know why I'm tired all the time, I can do something to fix it. My mom is convinced it is due to my being overweight, but I've been this way for years and those of you who've known me for a long time, know that I was rather slender in my teens and early 20's. I read online that sleep apnea can actually be a cause of weight gain, and why not? I certainly don't have enough energy to exercise. Hopefully now I will, and even if that doesn't result in weight loss, just being healthier would be good. Veronica is an energetic little toddler who loves to dance and run around, and to know that I can be around for her and be there to dance and run with her is wonderful. Wish me luck on my treatment.


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