A lot to update in just a few days.
Veronica's first two days of daycare were a little rough. Even today, we got to leave her there crying, which totally breaks our hearts. This is to be expected, as are difficulties with her getting used to the routine at the center. We did have some notes on her daily reports about throwing food and dumping out a cereal bowl, but today it was reported that she ate well and participated a lot. Overall, she seems to be doing really well, all things considered. She's even filthy in the evenings from vigorous playground play, which actually makes us quite happy.
The thing we didn't expect, which still breaks our hearts : She asks, "Want see Debbie? See Debbie!" So far she asked morning and evening on Monday and Tuesday, only once on Wednesday morning, and not at all today to my knowledge (though Jason may come home later and correct me on that one). We've tried explaining, but all she knows is that her beloved Debbie isn't here anymore. "She moved to Tucson," Jason explained one morning, to which Veronica replied "No! No Tucson!" It would be cute if it weren't so sad.
The other news, however, could result in someone else leaving her life soon. Pita has been in poor health now for a month or so; she wheezes, doesn't eat as much, and has a watery eye. Yesterday the vet found a tumor of some sort and removed a bit to be biopsied. We won't have the results for a few more days, probably sometime early next week. It could be nothing. It could be benign. But it could be cancer, a malignant cancer, meaning my little baby kitty is now living on borrowed time. And it's breaking my heart. I know, some people would say "She's just a cat" but to me she isn't. I brought her home to my then-boyfriend Jay's rented trailer in October of 1994, almost 11 years ago. She was 6 weeks old. I was a few weeks shy of my 19th birthday. And for the most part, save a couple months toward the end of my college education, she's been with me ever since. She's been my companion and my confidante when so many people failed me, or I, instead, failed them and regretted it. She grew older but I grew up. Boyfriends, friends, moves, careers - they've all changed under her watch, and she's been there with me through them all. Even Veronica's first word was "kitty," and it stood for everything that made her happy. I think Veronica had it right. And even though I know Pita is old, that it will have to happen someday, I'm not ready for it to happen so soon. Everyone reading this, please keep a good thought in your head for Pita, or say a little prayer for her, whatever you believe in doing for these situations. Some of my friends and family have already gotten word of this, and to them, I thank you so much for your words of comfort and support. And to the rest of you, thank you for reading this little blog. Thank you for following our lives. And thank you for being there, some of you possibly silent and secretly, with us each step of the way.
Veronica's first two days of daycare were a little rough. Even today, we got to leave her there crying, which totally breaks our hearts. This is to be expected, as are difficulties with her getting used to the routine at the center. We did have some notes on her daily reports about throwing food and dumping out a cereal bowl, but today it was reported that she ate well and participated a lot. Overall, she seems to be doing really well, all things considered. She's even filthy in the evenings from vigorous playground play, which actually makes us quite happy.
The thing we didn't expect, which still breaks our hearts : She asks, "Want see Debbie? See Debbie!" So far she asked morning and evening on Monday and Tuesday, only once on Wednesday morning, and not at all today to my knowledge (though Jason may come home later and correct me on that one). We've tried explaining, but all she knows is that her beloved Debbie isn't here anymore. "She moved to Tucson," Jason explained one morning, to which Veronica replied "No! No Tucson!" It would be cute if it weren't so sad.
The other news, however, could result in someone else leaving her life soon. Pita has been in poor health now for a month or so; she wheezes, doesn't eat as much, and has a watery eye. Yesterday the vet found a tumor of some sort and removed a bit to be biopsied. We won't have the results for a few more days, probably sometime early next week. It could be nothing. It could be benign. But it could be cancer, a malignant cancer, meaning my little baby kitty is now living on borrowed time. And it's breaking my heart. I know, some people would say "She's just a cat" but to me she isn't. I brought her home to my then-boyfriend Jay's rented trailer in October of 1994, almost 11 years ago. She was 6 weeks old. I was a few weeks shy of my 19th birthday. And for the most part, save a couple months toward the end of my college education, she's been with me ever since. She's been my companion and my confidante when so many people failed me, or I, instead, failed them and regretted it. She grew older but I grew up. Boyfriends, friends, moves, careers - they've all changed under her watch, and she's been there with me through them all. Even Veronica's first word was "kitty," and it stood for everything that made her happy. I think Veronica had it right. And even though I know Pita is old, that it will have to happen someday, I'm not ready for it to happen so soon. Everyone reading this, please keep a good thought in your head for Pita, or say a little prayer for her, whatever you believe in doing for these situations. Some of my friends and family have already gotten word of this, and to them, I thank you so much for your words of comfort and support. And to the rest of you, thank you for reading this little blog. Thank you for following our lives. And thank you for being there, some of you possibly silent and secretly, with us each step of the way.
At 1:53 AM ,
Katja said...
The day my cat died, was one of the worst days in my life. I hope your kitty will be fine and spend some more years with you and your family. I'm rooting for her!
All the best from Germany,
At 11:07 PM ,
Anonymous said...
It's tough to lose a pet - believe me. Enjoy every moment you have, but when it does happen, just know that you'll be okay.
Sending happy thoughts...for this and everything in your life.
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