Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Last night I was chasing Veronica around the house as "the tickle monster" when she stopped abruptly and announced that she wanted to sit on the potty and pee. Of course I took her in there, where she pulled down her little yellow shorts and I helped her out of her diaper. But here's the amazing part: She actually peed!!! A LOT, actually. Jason measured it. She peed over a cup. How can she hold that much?! But we were so proud of her!

We did have a little accident later, with her peeing on the couch, but there's a reason for that: The obsession of the moment, the "Batman" cartoon from the early 90's and "Spiderman 2." She loves both of them. We read to her from her Spiderman book, about Doc Ock trying to rob a bank, and she wears her little Batman mask. She would only let me brush her teeth with the mask on last night, and only after I told her that Batman brushed his teeth all the time. "If he didn't brush his teeth, his mouth would hurt and he'd be saying 'oww, oww, my teeth hurt!' and he wouldn't be able to stop the bad guys," I explained. This seemed to work.

Then she wanted to sleep in her mask. That would've been disasterous. I pointed out to her that Batman and Spiderman took off their masks to sleep, reminding her of all the times in the movie that she sees Spiderman without his mask on, and said that they kept the masks by their beds in case they needed to wake up and fight crime in the middle of the night.

Jason woke her up this morning, her little Batman mask still propped up next to her bed on her nightstand. I guess that was a reasonable explanation, too. :-)

And I can't believe she turns three tomorrow. Where did the time go?


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