Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Tonight I took Veronica to a place called Snip Buzz Bangs for her first formal haircut; although Debbie has trimmed her bangs several times, and Jason snipped a bit of her hair less than 24 hours after she was born, she really hasn't had a real cut until now. She was sporting quite the baby mullet, so I took her in.

I was hoping she'd have fun, sitting in a little airplane and watching a SpongeBob video, but she ended up crying most of the time. I felt awful for her. And I kept apologizing to the woman cutting her hair, although the lady was completely nonplussed and even said that Veronica didn't act that badly. (I tend to apologize for my kid's behavior when she's the least bit fussy. I think this is a combination of anxiety that people will think I'm a bad mother or that Veronica is a bad kid. Part of this is my own insecurities, but I think part of it is the fact that few of my friends are parents themselves, leading me to constantly apologize at non-childproofed homes and pull Veronica's prying hands away from something dangerous, breakable, or both.)

I got the first haircut package, which included a Polaroid, a little frame, and a lock of her hair in a tiny ziplocked baggie. The Polaroid, alas, is not of a quality that I can scan. Here's hoping my regular photos will turn out better, and that someday I'll have a digital camera to upload such treasures immediately. :-) She looks adorable. Pardon my gushing, but I really didn't think it was possible for her to look any cuter, and I was wrong. I just can't wait to show everyone how nice she looks. So stay tuned for photos sometime, well, soon.


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