Well, this will be a short post. Brandon and Amanda are over to ring in the New Year with us; right now they're playing Halo 2 on their X-Box. We had some burgers on our new Foreman grill, plus some cheese n' crackers, and Amanda and I are sipping on some alcohol. Veronica is on the sofa, snuggling with Jason.
I originally wanted this post to be about the past year. To talk about the four hurricanes in Florida and add how our friends Gabe and Mandy somehow honeymooned there a mere week after the final one. To talk about the election, how I waited over two hours to vote, only to find out I had a relatively short wait in Ohio. Didn't matter in the end, as John Kerry lost the election and Dubya was declared winner for a second term. I could've thrown in something about how deeply this country was divided over this election, especially over the subject of gay marriage - a mention here of the 4,000+ same-sex weddings in San Francisco would have worked. I would've had to have mentioned how over a thousand U.S. troops have died in Iraq with no end in sight. And of course, how could I do a retrospective of 2004 and not mention the tsunami in Asia mere days ago, where the death toll is officially at 121,000 right now but is expected to keep climbing.
I would have to mention pop culture, how Team America was considered scandalous only for a scene of marionettes having sex. Of how you couldn't go anywhere without hearing some mention of Paris Hilton. Of how everyone seemed to be wearing ponchos, or halter dresses, or yellow Lance Armstrong "Fight Strong" bracelets. I would have to talk about the magnetic ribbons that showed up on so many cars around here to support our troops, as well as other issues. I would have to go off on an aside on how funny Jon Stewart's America: A Book is.
But I couldn't do a comprehensive retrospective on this year for the rest of the world, let's face it. And as far as what's most important in my life, well, I've been writing about all year long, anyway. :-)
Happy New Year to all, as I take my leave to go play with Veronica.
I originally wanted this post to be about the past year. To talk about the four hurricanes in Florida and add how our friends Gabe and Mandy somehow honeymooned there a mere week after the final one. To talk about the election, how I waited over two hours to vote, only to find out I had a relatively short wait in Ohio. Didn't matter in the end, as John Kerry lost the election and Dubya was declared winner for a second term. I could've thrown in something about how deeply this country was divided over this election, especially over the subject of gay marriage - a mention here of the 4,000+ same-sex weddings in San Francisco would have worked. I would've had to have mentioned how over a thousand U.S. troops have died in Iraq with no end in sight. And of course, how could I do a retrospective of 2004 and not mention the tsunami in Asia mere days ago, where the death toll is officially at 121,000 right now but is expected to keep climbing.
I would have to mention pop culture, how Team America was considered scandalous only for a scene of marionettes having sex. Of how you couldn't go anywhere without hearing some mention of Paris Hilton. Of how everyone seemed to be wearing ponchos, or halter dresses, or yellow Lance Armstrong "Fight Strong" bracelets. I would have to talk about the magnetic ribbons that showed up on so many cars around here to support our troops, as well as other issues. I would have to go off on an aside on how funny Jon Stewart's America: A Book is.
But I couldn't do a comprehensive retrospective on this year for the rest of the world, let's face it. And as far as what's most important in my life, well, I've been writing about all year long, anyway. :-)
Happy New Year to all, as I take my leave to go play with Veronica.
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