Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Monday, November 15, 2004

As typical in children Veronica's age, every day is a new adventure, filled with discovery. So let me share some of Veronica's recent discoveries:

1. The best way to attack Daddy is to head-butt him in the chest. You won't hurt him, but he'll be laughing so hard that he will be totally immobilized.

2. The best way to play with MegaBlocks is to only use two colors at a time, with the same size block. One-peg yellow blocks, for example, go great with one-peg orange blocks. Two-peg green blocks, however, look best with two-peg pink blocks. And if you really want them to look spiffy, take great care in alternating them. If you really work hard at it, you can make a checkerboard pattern up the side of the tower you've built and watch your parents stare in disbelief.

3. The Squirrel Nut Zippers' album "Hot" is the best dance CD ever made. You can get down to every single song on it. A simple foot-stomp and walking around in a circle will suffice, but a little hip wiggle and some arm waving work well too.

4. Poop is stinky, so if you have pooped, you should warn Mommy or Daddy by repeating the word "tink-eee!" over and over while your diaper is being changed.

5. Kitties love presents. In fact, every toy you own must, at some point, be offered to the cat of your house. This is also true of food and drink as well; it is considered rude not to share tasty morsels of whatever you are eating, or your beverage in the sippy cup, with your friendly neighborhood feline. If the kitty balks, and Mommy tells you once more "no honey, it's YOURS once it's been in your mouth, it's no one else's after that", then hold said food item up to the aquarium. That fish hasn't broken through the glass yet to get to the food, but there's a first time for everything.

6. Noses are wonderful things. Try sticking a Cheerio up yours to show your appreciation for such an awesome appendenge.

7. You must be a discerning television watcher. Some things are obvious winners. Blue's Clues, or Dora the Explorer, or Baby Einstein videos - these go without saying. But you also must look for quality programming elsewhere. For example, if MTV 2 is showing their documentary on rapper Chingy, you must watch with rapt attention. The same holds true for episodes of "Jeopardy!" Yes, your mommy may look very confused and keep muttering "huh" under her breath, but that's obviously because she doesn't appreciate fine art.

8. Social mores dictate that high chairs must be placed in kitchens or other dining areas. Why should such a wonderous device be confined to one room? That's what the wheels are for! Living room, hallway, wherever - any room of the house will look that much more stylish with a Chico Mamma high chair gracing its decor.

Conventional wisdom says you can learn a lot from your children. You can see above what I have learned recently from mine. Lord only knows what the next lessons will be. I look forward to them. ;-)


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