Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy Independence Day, and the realization that it's been a while. We've been busy, and we've also been realizing a little more about what's wrong with Veronica.

She has what is called hypotonia, which is a genetic, neurological condition that causes low muscle tone and extreme flexibility. It's also a catch-all phrase for low muscle tone in general, which can be caused by a myriad of conditions. I believe she's of the former category rather than the latter. This isn't a formal diagnosis - I believe this is what our neurology appointment with her on Wednesday will determine - but we're thinking this is her to a tee.

I've joined an online group for parents of hypotonic children, which is a good thing. I'm getting support that I didn't have before. People try to be helpful but they really don't understand if they're not dealing with it themselves. And sometimes people aren't helpful. It's been implied by a few that Veronica's condition is a direct result of faulty parenting on both my and Jason's part. That's not helpful at all, especially given that I've mentally beaten myself up about her not being able to stand, convinced I'd done something wrong.

Veronica is now in regular therapy, and we're already seeing improvement. However, she still has a long way to go. She's going to be very far behind her peers as far as standing and walking are concerned, at the very least. But it's OK. I love my little girl. She is wonderful, she is sweet, funny and friendly. I'm still convinced she's really smart too - it's not too important, as long as she's happy, but it helps. I couldn't ask for a better child - hypotonia or not.


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