Maranie = Mommy

A journey into every new unknown of motherhood.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

So the holidays are now upon us. Coby and Chad will be stopping by tonight and spending the night, on their way from Wisconsin to West Virginia for Christmas. My parents will be visiting this weekend. Jason might be working some on Christmas Eve, and Debbie, our daytime babysitter, may be doing the same - meaning that we might have at least some of the day just to ourselves. Christmas Day plans are still up in the air, as Debbie, Bobby, and/or Darren may be stopping by and Jason would like to take a day-trip to see his family in Marietta. Whatever happens, we WILL be back in Marietta on the Saturday after Christmas for dinner at Anne's house.

Which leads us to this being Veronica's first Christmas.

So far, she's not very impressed with the tree. She tried grabbing it once, which resulted in the breaking of an ornament. It was the most disasterous 15 seconds she's experienced so far. But past that, she doesn't really seem to care about it.

She's already opened one present, from one of my co-workers: A Barney book of Christmas carols, with little buttons on one side so music plays as you read along the words. She loves it. She'd have to, to put up with her parents' off-key warbling of holiday favorites.

She didn't seem to get the hang of unwrapping it, though. Oh, she pulled and ripped some paper once, but for the most part she just kind of picked at it. She seemed more interested in looking at me, holding the camera, and smiling. What a little ham. Gee, wonder where she gets that from. ;-)

Under the tree, waiting to be unwrapped, are board books for her. A crib mirror. A LeapFrog Learning Hoops set - a little basketball setup that announces letters and numbers. A LeapFrog Learning Drum, that does the same every time she whacks it. A toy truck (a cement mixer being driven by a little blonde girl). A new bath toy, which is a little octopus that tells if the bathwater is too hot. A new teething ring shaped like a puppy. I may even be forgetting something.

Her little stocking, courtesy of my dad (a pink number that says "Baby's First" on it) is stuffed, with bubble bath and pretty headbands and a crinkly teething book (Zane had one at the hospital and Veronica just loved it.) And I think I may be forgetting something there too.

The top shelf of the fridge holds Gerber Vanilla Custard Pudding for babies. It was my idea; we don't feed her refined sugars, keeping only with things sweetened with fruit and, in one case, cinnamon. The vanilla custard, though, is excellent - Jason and I have both tried it - and we want to give her a treat for Christmas, just like we're eating.

We're taking lots of pictures. We've got cute little holiday outfits for her. We have all these things listed above. And yet, this will pretty much be just another day for her in one week. I think this year, and possibly next, will just be a chance for Jason and I to relive Christmas joy, and we will enjoy it until the days begin when Veronica will want everything advertised on TV under the tree. :-P


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