Happy second birthday, Veronica!
You had a good day, starting with a visit to the doctor's office for a check-up. You're currently 23 lbs., 12 oz. and 35 inches long. This puts you in the 10th-15th percentiles in weight, and the 75th-90th in height. Your head is in the 50th percentile. So basically, you're tall, thin and have a normal size head. Oh what a legacy to live down. ;-)
Plus Dr. Rodgers said your teeth are in good shape, that your vocabulary is on track, and that she didn't have to give you any shots today. What a good doctor's office visit.
Then Debbie had a little party for you with the other kids. You all had cupcakes, and all got a bottle of bubble soap as a gift. I picked you up early and blew bubbles for you until Daddy got home. You would try to poke them or stomp on them, saying "Pop!" everytime you tried. However, sometimes the bubbles got away from you and you'd ask "Where d'bubble go?" You even peered around the corner of the house to see if they'd escaped to the backyard. Too cute.
We had some dinner, then you opened your presents. You weren't too thrilled, at least for the moment, with the plush fairy doll that your Grandma and Grandpa Alonso got for you. But you liked the book and the Baby Einstein DVD from Coby and Chad. You liked the pack of Matchbox cars I bought for you. Mommy and Daddy appreciated the clothing from Coby and Chad, and the cards from everybody. But you loved your Little People sets, specifically, the playground set and the Ramps-Around Garage. We could barely get you to bed because you were playing with the garage and the cars, and even now, you have the swing set and the little girl from the playground in your crib with you. "Mine wing!" you said, meaning "my swing," and pretended to sleep when Daddy went to take it from you. I'll guess that's a winner. :-)
We got you a giant cookie saying "Happy Birthday Veronica!" in your two favorite colors right now: green and yellow. We had some after supper. You liked it a lot.
And that was your second birthday. I can't believe you're already two. I'm glad I keep this blog, so I'll know I haven't just blinked for a second before you turn three.
Happy Birthday again, Veronica. We love you.
You had a good day, starting with a visit to the doctor's office for a check-up. You're currently 23 lbs., 12 oz. and 35 inches long. This puts you in the 10th-15th percentiles in weight, and the 75th-90th in height. Your head is in the 50th percentile. So basically, you're tall, thin and have a normal size head. Oh what a legacy to live down. ;-)
Plus Dr. Rodgers said your teeth are in good shape, that your vocabulary is on track, and that she didn't have to give you any shots today. What a good doctor's office visit.
Then Debbie had a little party for you with the other kids. You all had cupcakes, and all got a bottle of bubble soap as a gift. I picked you up early and blew bubbles for you until Daddy got home. You would try to poke them or stomp on them, saying "Pop!" everytime you tried. However, sometimes the bubbles got away from you and you'd ask "Where d'bubble go?" You even peered around the corner of the house to see if they'd escaped to the backyard. Too cute.
We had some dinner, then you opened your presents. You weren't too thrilled, at least for the moment, with the plush fairy doll that your Grandma and Grandpa Alonso got for you. But you liked the book and the Baby Einstein DVD from Coby and Chad. You liked the pack of Matchbox cars I bought for you. Mommy and Daddy appreciated the clothing from Coby and Chad, and the cards from everybody. But you loved your Little People sets, specifically, the playground set and the Ramps-Around Garage. We could barely get you to bed because you were playing with the garage and the cars, and even now, you have the swing set and the little girl from the playground in your crib with you. "Mine wing!" you said, meaning "my swing," and pretended to sleep when Daddy went to take it from you. I'll guess that's a winner. :-)
We got you a giant cookie saying "Happy Birthday Veronica!" in your two favorite colors right now: green and yellow. We had some after supper. You liked it a lot.
And that was your second birthday. I can't believe you're already two. I'm glad I keep this blog, so I'll know I haven't just blinked for a second before you turn three.
Happy Birthday again, Veronica. We love you.
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